Is it just me, or is this picture trying to get me to do drugs? I mean, I know it's supposed to be an anti-drug message, albeit a rather intense one (oh yeah, I forgot to mention it was on the back of a hearse...

a hearse endearingly christened 'Honky Lips.' I get it, if you don't say 'no' to drugs, you'll end up riding sans life with the chipper Grim Reaper as your trusty driver, directing you into your premature afterlife. But something about the way that asshole skeleton is staring me down, mocking me, saying, 'yeah that's right, stay away from hard drugs, like a little bitch,' it kinda makes a fellow want to pick up a heroin habit. Or perhaps the skeleton isn't the Grim Reaper as previously supposed, perchance he's in fact a badass biker skeleton slash amazingly persuasive drug buddy. He's giving you one last chance to go home early for the night safe and sound, normal, mundane. You either say no to drugs, or you go out for the night of your life, which may be so hardcore and crazy that it could be your last. Oh yeah, I think the latter interpretation may have arisen from the location of previously pictured drug hearse...

a heavy metal biker bar with biker pirates on the roof. And a drug hearse outside. The bar's website clears the record as to the death canoe's actual name: The PimpMobile. If you check out their
website, you might think I have the wrong hearse, since the one proudly displayed on their site looks shiny and new, while the one above looks like Cutie's Deathcab (Dad, Aunt Sue, that's a cheesy play on the name of a contemporary band). However I think this will serve as proof of the PimpMobile's decline:

The 'jungle mural' on Death's hood is the same as the one on Duff's hood. My God this vehicle has aged. Looks like the PimpMobile started getting caught up in the fast lane, winning 1st Place in the Post 1965 Modified Category at the 2004 Coney Island Mermaid Parade and all that, and fell in with a pack of hot rods with short tempers and a long list of vices who got Ol' Pimp addicted to just about every major type of drug there is. Then one day PMobile regained consciousness after a two-week amphetamine binge in the pound, his paint scraped right off all over, except for the gold-encrusted jungle mural. Ashamed of the depths he'd just awoken into, he changed his name to Honky Lips and got that frightening image tattooed on his back windshield as a warning to the next generation of hot-blooded Post 1965 Modified punks. Now Honky serves cheap piss at a biker bar and moonlights a couple nights a week as the drummer in a classic metal band. He doesn't drink or do drugs; he still smokes a pack a week and knows he should quit, but he needed to keep one vice. Just one to keep him sane.
You won't find that story on Duff's website, just the lingering memories of a fall from grace.

(Bonus: check out the clever way they wrote the mark of the beast on the license plate. It took me a second too).
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